Narrow Escape

A situational text by #LebogangKTlou.

"Woaaah, dude! You sure I shouldn't drive?" said Thabiso to his flatmate Steven.
"Nurghl," Steve burped, tilting the car sideways before reigning her back onto the lane. "I guht dis, bro."
Thabiso sat back, and braced himself for an adventure. One way or another, the day had begun on an intense note when Steve came knocking at his door in the early hours to enquire any weed.
"Dude, you look lit, that's hectic!" Thabiso had said, given that South Africa was locked down by high authority of the presidency, and alcohol sales had been prohibited for weeks.
"Awe, bro, Uh'm naht gonna lie, I'm lit. Let's go buy weed?" Steve articulated, using hand gestures and speech in a unique, ethereal way.
Thabiso had to admit that the timing of an inebriated sage inviting him along on missions, after days of longing for Kush, and dealing with radical bouts with insomnia and it's daemons; all Thabiso had to do was say:
"Yeah, dude, want me to drive?" Thabiso asked.
"Nurgh, only I drive Suzanne," said Steve. "It's just a personal thing, it's not you..." Steve added in song.
Thinking back, it was worth it, Thabiso thought, as Suzanne sped through a red traffic light outside the cathedral in town, Steve beaming gleefully at the helm, unaware that blue lights had moments later sparked to life and given chase to Suzanne. For a moment, it seemed Steve was about to make a break for it, but became cured instantly of any such folly by a voice of reasoning audible between himself and Thabiso, who cleverly snuck the cannabis they had just procured into his shoe quite casually as Steve pulled up off the road. Almost as soon as the car had stopped, a traffic officer rapped gently on the window.
"Sir, why did you jump the robot over there, sir?" asked the Traffic Officer, a stern "not today" tone in his voice.
"Officer, I... I am not going to lie to you," Steve began, and Thabiso witnessed a miracle. It was almost magickal when Steve told the truth, of how he had been drinking, that the world was ending and he felt alive in those moments, but that he was sorry and would not do it again. Steve had not a slight piece of identification about his presence, and yet he was free to even drive Suzanne home after all three bodies in Suzanne had been vigorously frisked by the Traffic Officer - who personally escorted their company back to Thabiso and Steve's mountain-top castle.
"Mister Traffic Officer, thanks for not being a doos," said Steve, before hearing a final warning from the traffic officer ere he drove off.
"Although this seems, at first glance, a crude display,
My life would make an intense live-action play," Thabiso said to himself, when it had all sunk in that he lived a whole adventure before noon


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