Final Frontier Wars: Azanian Chronicle

A philological contribution to modern records of truths best captured in the format of High Fantasy fiction, by

Philologist/ Historical Accuracy Journalist
(BA Rhodes/PDMM Rhodes graduand),

Lord, Lebogang K Tlou
 Hxx Imperial Majesty Negus Negast Accurate order chronological Duke in heir, per terra a sanguine ad identi, Hxx Excellently Imperial Righteousness (HEIR).

Friday, 20 May, 2022

The Battle of the Meter,
 as narrated by Lord Samuel L Jackson, and hand-written by HEIR Lord Lebogang K Tlou.

The #BattleOfTheMeter was a short skirmish atop Hill 66, at number 6 William crescent, off Bradock Road in Fort Makhanda, during the seasoned years of a murderous virus violently killing Capitalist folk in the years in c2020 era of our Lords past, present and future.
  Thus was it in the years of the #FinalFrontierWars that this passage was captured from a well-fortified barricade.
May the spirit of a well-earned death be with you, warriors, and may peace love your very presence for your welcomeness.  Indaba. Welcome to quite the epic tale.
The frontier wars of South Africa can be recorded as far back as 1653, a year post Drutchar forcible settlement.  This is enshrined in the translated journal writings of Jan van Riebeek, which are preserved by the University of Cape Town in Azania.
  There were as many as 13 frontier wars, although less than that were considered and captured by Cathcart in the 1850s when the hinterland was still called South Africa.
  This was in the years succeeding the ‘Epic Wars’ for territory, glory, and power, which had swept across the land in the early 1800s as a phenomenon extensively catalyzed by the colonial conquest occurred.  Cathcart is where peace was established across the wider land among conflicting stakeholders, resulting in Lesotho and Swaziland retaining their ancient sovereignty, and Azania becoming a colony.
  In those dark years, the colony called South Africa magically came to be arranged and ordered by a Briitshi crown.  The crown hailing from the Islae La Britannaeia had just overcome an established geopolitical, capitalist corporation belonging to the Drutchar crown
  The corporation, worthy only in mention as De Fokwaggen in the least vulgar of its powerful mastermind’s tongues, had arisen in the world as a force urgently needing to be dealt with.
  De Fokwaggen, in monopolizing the spice trade by conquest, controlled how much flavor the citizens from Islae La Britannaeia could enjoy.  The Briitshi crown of Islae La Britannaeia and the Drutchar crown overseeing operations of De Fokwaggen engaged in a privileged war over right to ownership of pillaged resources, often imploring assistance from those whom they were pillaging resources from.  In 1819, the Briitshi won a decisive ‘winner takes all’ victory over the Drutchar, resulting in the 1820 resettlement and colonial power shift.
  By late 1860s, through great effort by diplomatic heroes of the dark ages: Moshoeshoe The First and his great cousin Mswati The First, pivotal regions within the Azanian network of disrupted familiar relations became preserved through royal surrender.  Never before the treaty of 1863 between Moshoeshoe The First and Briitshi Queen Amanda had the Azaani diasporic region been surrendered by one monarch to another.  The lands claimed by Queen Amanda’s messengers during the written consultation between one respectable monarch and a respected counterpart were vast in totality, greatly including free lands which were surely inclusive of the lands claimed by the Drutchar.  The Briitshi crown had, thus, wiped De Fokwaggen off the charts of relevance, and taken De Fokwaggen descendants as spoils.  This era in Azanian history is remembered as ansiBastaardyako – a term the Briitshi soldiers called Drutchar descendants who preferred to be called Afrikaaners. 
  The Afrikaaners were grandchildren and great grandchildren of Drutchar settlers.  Their history dates back to a first group of Drutchar who were lead from the original colony on a widespread and perilous journey to free lands.  Those Drutchar, wanting to show appreciation to their guide, named themselves as that person’s tribe.
  Historical records revealed the guide’s name to be Africanu Oorlam, and express that appropriating his name was the only compensation this founding father to a whole identity received.  To the Briitshi, Afrikaaners were known in their native tongue of Slavibro as ‘ansiBastaardyako’ – “the ones who serve the Master of Ignorance”.
  Briitshi hostility to Afrikaaners lead to the Anglo-Boer wars, where natives of Azania were yet again used as mules and as weapons, though no more shall that ever be the case.

  During those wars, the Afrikaaner boers (a term which, in their appropriated linguistics, meant claimer of land and property noninherent at all cost, using violence) were fighting the Briitshi order, and for right of sovereignty of the lands which they felt was righteously their own, stolen or otherwise.
  In this mutually false claim to sovereignty, both Briitshi and Afrikaaner military ranks influenced and enlisted mass Christianized kaffirs and Islamic converts to do the godly thing and help in their respective crusades.
  Dingaan’s day, or, Geloftesdag, or, latterly, Day of reconciliation turned out to be the recorded date of the most mother*&Î$@ battle of that age.  Treason was born that day.  This is the same treason presidents enjoyed in shared privilege to toasting to before the final frontier wars started.
 Yes, they would toast to keep the secret of the battle upon becoming president, and this revelation sparked the resultant Final Frontier Wars of 2xx5.
Indaba, hearken on.
Between those epic battles in the colonial years of great deeds by champions black and white; and the Azanian present, there stood in between righteous acknowledgement and Absolute Justice, a phenomenon regarded as Mandelaism.
  Mandelaism was the term for the deception point-of-origin of the great crime of ‘business as usual’ of the early 1990s: the great treachery, where independence became traded in for democracy on behalf of the masses who needed, beyond peace, to feel like humans again – for that is what the colonial conquest had taken from the once free and sovereign peoples of Azania – who followed chiefs of merit, virtue and legitimate ascension to power.
  This great treachery remembered as Mandelaism made it okay for Briitshi, Drutchar and Afrikaaner descendants to feel as though it was okay to carry on, which naturally lead to old roles and patterns becoming reassumed, and previously privileged persons remained privileged at the cost of hard toil for little reward by the previously underprivileged.
  Although Mandelaism succeeded in curbing the racial undertones that democratic chapters of the frontier wars had adopted over years of racial segregation in terms of skin color, Mandelaism and its democratic ideals had quickly fallen to failure at remedying socioeconomic iniquities, which lie at the core of every single epic tale in history.  Why should this one be any dissimilar?
In the years leading to the formation of the coalition of Azanian monarchs aligned under the renaissance of Negus Negast, the boiling anger between privileged and underprivileged persons intensified.  In the beginning, the fighting was fueled predominantly by race, availability of access to resources, and time mismanagement.  This lead to the most hysterically charged, epic, and tryingly triumphant season for the Azanian people in historic documentation. 
  Five years before the first gunshot, the #BattleOfTheMeter was waged, and it was truly a triumph worthy of remembrance.  The hero of the battle, remembered as a shaman and as a notable global leader, applied four behavior modifying steps in overcoming evil and corrupt desire while dueling gross privilege, and prevailed without even but a mark to show for it.  The four steps used as levels intensifying in descent  recorded as such:
Level Four: Convince the enemy that the enemy has lost.
Level Three: Console the enemy in defeat, ingratiating as creativity allows.
Level Two: Cohesively guiding the enemy towards handling defeat with grace.
Level One Control:  C2 is everything, and the Controller needs always know surrender to impose it on another.

The success was gained in consistently showing privilege that everything would be okay in the end, even when this consolation was misguiding privilege towards a false sense of security.
  In manipulating security through the 4 system approach to situation management, the triumphant commanding officer won the battle before privilege was even aware that the war had either began or been won. 
  The #BattleOfTheMeter, in the days of the Final Frontier Wars, five years before the ultimate climax of epic proportions, was won to the commander in surrender to Krsna: embodied in those years by a lowly devotee who prayed to the Lord of Pleasure and Otherwise in devotion to one true devotion which is Krishna.

*to be continued*
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