Captured Conversation #2

A curious person: are you gay?
Me: nope
Acp: do you have a girlfriend?
Me: I also don't have a boyfriend either.
Acp: do you date boys too?
Me: i don't even date girls.
Acp: so you don't date guys, you don't date girls, who do you date.
Me: besides your mom, I date Most High.
Me: you accepted the jibe at your mum with grace, friend. You're cool. I will take one final question.
Acp: Since we are all living manifestations, dating Most High means being with allness, which includes men and women.
Me: yes.
Acp: so why are you single?
Me: men are blind. Women are blind. Many do not know that they, too, are. Being alone beats following a blind fool who's just as lost as I. So I don't date. I hear your thoughts. Yes, I do make exceptions. Some people know what they are. They are the one's one chooses to entertain. Like the person still reading. I would, but how far dare ye venture for Godly, Divine physical affection? Dare ye find I?
Acp: thank you.
Me: kewl  

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