Remember to be happy

You're existing. Now start experiencing. Allow yourself to feel. Feel the breeze on the back of your neck. Feel his breath flood your nostrils with warm words. Enjoy the feel off her soft hand accidentally brush against yours as she blows past you. And when it happens; wake up. Wake up. Open your eyes and you will see infinity.

But they don't tell you this. They tell you that this is crazy; that this isn't normal. They tell you to go to school. They tell you to graduate and get a job. They tell you to make money. And then they make sure you do what they say. They get you into debt. They keep you aspiring. They tell you that it's normal. But what if it's not? What if you knew that you could create a piece of art so magnificent that whatever robotesized version of you the future conjures up sees it - YOUR art - and weeps. THEY don't tell you these things.

I am not crazy. I am just a man with a head full of words that make sense. These words aren't always true - everyone knows that bullshit sells. That's why you're still reading this. When you realize that right now, I'm creating your world because you're taking time out of your life to read this message - I hope you realize the power you have within yourself to replicate this miraculous feat. I hope that you, too, will aspire to influencing the next person's life. But be careful: as much as there is good magic and beauty out there, there's also dark magic and a whole lot of fuckedupness.

So again, go out there and be the very best version of YOU that YOU can imagine. After all: what do you have to lose? Say yes to your inner child. Today, just live.


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