Energy = Mass.Speed of light ([squared]) = YOU: A Journey


You know how just before you go to sleep in bed every night your mind goes off on a tangent? Like, your mind just zooms out of this physical world and enters this hazy state where you're in complete control. It just happened to me right now, before and right now as I type. Okay. I'm stopping that now. Stream of consciousness is the way forward.

Anyway, I was off on one such tangent and in it I said the following to you:

Hey, look. I like you. Like, in that mushy kind of way. Like, you make my heart happy. But that's not the best part. No, the Best part is that you have a mind-blowing mind! You do! I hear the words you speak - yes - but I feel the weight they bear. I just found 26 letters. Your words carry a strong sense of you-ness, and I feel it in me. And by 'I', I'm really referring to my own you-ness... My my-ness. 

Okay, my mind just went on a tangent again, and I thought I'd cut that particular thought short for a second while I share an epiphany I just had. Right now, I'm writing directly from within. Imagine if we could all express ourselves freely from within? But the language we speak prevents us from doing so. So How do we fix this? How do we fill the gaps left by spoken words? Remember, words are exactly as films are in nature. They're bits and pieces of sound hovering around space, really, held together by the force exerted in pinning them up together through voicing them. And so imagine how much is lost in translation!

I say we turn to non-verbal means of communication. Many before me have realized this. Many will come to realize this in their time. It isn't for all. Equality doesn't exist. The grass will always sound like it's greener on the other side. But have you taken the time to stand still and realize how fucking beautiful wherever the fuck you are right now Really is? Stop. Look around you. Look beyond the bodies. See the space. See Earth.

She's beautiful, isn't she? Stand there in space. Take it in. Witness it spinning slowly. Witness yourself spinning. Slowly witness that neither it nor you are moving. It's only you. It's always been Only you. And now there's Gravity. It jerks you forward. It pulls you down. And then you land. You wake. It was all just a dream. But you know it wasn't, because every night in bed before you sleep, you experience the same sensation as what your dreams are. Your thoughts are your dreams. And the best part is that if you were to focus on your best thoughts, you'd find yourself realizing these - these dreams of yours. Find your bliss. Find your bliss and then Follow it.

My mind just went off on a tangent again. Anyway, non-verbal communication. I say lets you and me speak, yes - but lets also explore means of really saying how we feel truthfully. Lets do this through that thing that makes you and me and every single other living body in this - our immediate known world - what we are: Art. Lets be human. To be human is, by extension, to be a constant manifestation of art. Lets experience and express through Art. The only way we can live peacefully is through Art. We all have Art. At some point or another in our lives, we all draw. We scribble in notebooks. We find paint and randomly start painting, only to find that you really enjoy it - but never to find that you're really any good at it because you're first and last name isn't Picasso.

Anyway, in my earlier tangent - the one I had just before I'd started fading off. The first one. The one where I told you that I completely love your mind. But that still isn't the best part!

The best part is that you have a really wonderful heart! You really do. I hear you speak - again - I hear this in your voice and it speaks with compassion. You really do love me. It may not be in that romantic way. It may not be in that family-zone kind of way either. Or it may be the former. Now that would be amazing. In my mind right now, Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love"; I love that song. Anyway, you love me. You love people. I have seen your heart open to people - and even though some are too stuck in the physical world to see you, I saw you, dude.

And you're really beautiful. I'll take you in my life in any which way as you'll have me - and that is my nature. But my heart wishes you to be that person who knows, believes and trusts that she's the one I wish to be with right now. I cannot see your imperfections. I can only see you as you appear. And you are beautiful You have really warm eyes. They're big and curious, but really warm and really wise. I noticed. I noticed more - but that is beside the point. The point is that Every Single Thing that I notice about you is really beautiful. And I wish for you to know this.

Random digression: Ever notice how there's always a song playing at the back of the mind? Right? I was just thinking of that song called Creep. It's because I'm slightly constantly afraid of coming off as a creep. And so I swallow my words. I don't say what I feel. I never, ever say what I feel. I feel cold and empty on the inside when I do. But it's okay. Now, I'm finding ways of making the darkness a little lighter. You see, I was born with this light inside of me. And as I write, my light grows. I imagine your light grows too. All of you have one. We are all born with this light inside of us. And we nurture it through engaging with that which we wish most to be doing in this life. That is the Art I speak of.

What would you rather be doing with your life? Where would you rather be right now? Allan Watts is right when he asks, "what would you do if money were no object?". How would you get by? What would you be doing, simply because it's that one thing you've always wanted to do? Do it.

Fear spreads. But here's the tricky bit: we're all immune to it. And we're all very susceptible to love. Fear and love are the two primary binaries that make up the world as we know it. We're either afraid, in which case we grow lazy and apathetic. We justify this by calling it a choice, but the only true choice we make is that between fear and love, ultimately. We can choose to be bold, and we can choose to love. And the only person really worth loving in this world is Yourself. The self is all that exists. You are creating you're entire world around you as you go. The little choices you make, governed by either fear or love, are at play - even as you take all this in; as you realize this. Love you. But here's the trick. This is what words don't really explain too well at all. The trick to creating a happy life for yourself is in seeing everyone as you see yourself. It cannot be done at All times. I mean, there are restraints - there are human restraints. It's Okay. Be human. You are human, after all.

Anyway, I just wanted to remind you that in the real world, this is Art. Oh, and you and her make it. She loves you because you're great. You are blessed with a beautiful mind yourself, and that's why you can feel her's. You have a heart that hears, as does she. And I just remembered that I'm writing to you and not to myself. I laughed. It was a funny moment.

Another epic reason why I really like you is because no matter what I say, I'll never sound insane to you. And I love that you can hear me where I can't. And to me, this all sounds crazy - but perhaps you'll understand it. And when you find that you do, wake up and realize that you wrote it - because I do not exist. I am entirely in your mind. Whatever image of me you have in your mind while you're reading all of this, that is exactly who I am to you. Ultimately, we're all soul-mates. The lot of us. We all really like the same things, we just don't like them at the same time.

But I like you a lot. I really do. And if I could share my world with you, I would be the happiest person to walk the face of my world. Next time we hang out, lets do something fun. Lets take it in turns in doing what we respectively view as fun. For instance, I really like walking and sitting at odd places and watching the world move along at varying paces. It's quite beautiful, but... If you're always moving, you miss out on a lot that's passing you by. Anyway, and I love tea. And I love people. And I love being that person that will seize the chance to say hello to someone who looks like they're willing to embrace coincidences. I don't see awkward, I see only miracles. This isn't for everybody.

We cannot all be equal. But we can all have justice. And it comes with allowing everyone else what you would wish to be allowed unto you. Find your bliss, and pursue it; so long as it doesn't infringe on the that of anybody else.

I hope you gathered that I fully intend you not to over-analyse any of this. I'm not trying to catch you out. I'm simply sharing the Good News. Welcome to my world. To Your world. You are to me what I wish to be seen by you. And I really hope you see a good person.

And then the thoughts ended, and order was restored to the Universe and beyond.


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