Dennis the Menace is an American comic strip animated by cartoonist Henry Ketchum presented here as the inaugural LNBPresents #BringYourChildToFacebookDay family-building exercise.

Tired of tantrums? Are your children tired of watching the same thing? Stay tuned for a daily episode of Dennis the Menace - shared here as an active display in the astounding relationship between Google (blogspot), Youtube and Facebook (Instagram/Whatsapp) as symbiotic collaborative forces which allow for streaming of archived public footage such as this generation-inspiring display of how absolutely hillarious privilage can be out of context.   With no further ado, LNBPublishing PROUDLY and ECSTATICALLY presents this on-going presentation streaming all Blonde Dennis before we even consider the other versions as anywhere close to this per comparrison. 

First up: #DennisGoesToVenice
Following: Today's #MYSTERYCARTOON.

Remember to have fun no matter what it is that you find yourself doing, and to go out of your way to include those dearest to you in all your undertakings.

Now is the time to unite in rallying towards the Africa we want as a diaspora: inclusive, united and filled with people who remember how to laugh.

This second streaming feature is titled: #DennisTakesCake, with additional titles. More will be brought to you daily.  Remember to subscribe to our friends over at Wildbrain who provide us with this great content post acquiring the rights in turn over time, mostly through rebranding of obsolete brands from the ages in chronology leading to LNBPresents.

For a clear mind, spirit, body and soul, remember to also tune in to what Tina Turner has been up to, here is an insightful example to help our viewers guess. 

Thank you to these brands for having existed, whether or not they still do.  

Captain South Africa is a great Graphic book designed by Bill Masuku.

Girl Power - Rev and Roll Compilation - WildBrain

Our #LNBPresents Dennis the Menace Feature acknowledges these forerunning brands to Wildbrain in fond memory:

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