
Showing posts from November, 2011

Conclusion {{Quaeso pro Deo Volente}}

Balance - the story of my life. Who I am, was or ever will be depends heavily on my sense of inner balance. Possibly the most important thing I have learned this entire year is the importance of a clear, sober mind in times of great tribulation.  Sobriety, not only in the terms of being absent from the influence of intoxicative substances - but also from detaching one's mind from as many exterior influences as humanly possible.  The only way in which this can be achieved efficiently is through gaining a solid knowledge of yourself. My journey to learning about who I really am has only just begun.  I have seen the possible futures that lie ahead of me.  The gates to the rest of my life have since been opened, paving the way for a self-exploratory adventure of a lifetime.  I have taken steps toward horizons which I once thought to be naught but impractical and desperate attempts at filling the voids within the disfunctional hearts, and have found that my own previous misconcei

Chapters 3 - 5 {{"The body and the mind do not always travel together"}}

"I keep dancing on my own . . ." Chapter 3 Not a day goes by when each living person does not undergo some form of trial or another.  In most cases, days alternate from good to bad in uncontrolable oscillations.  My case is not at all exempt from this fact of life - only slightly different, slightely more extreme.  I found myself experiencing points of utterly over-extentuated joviality which often subsided into complete dispondency within hours on the realization that I had nobody to share my happiness with.  And so I have been caught between the two extreme emotional poles for near the entirety of this year . . .  It is not until most recently that I have discovered that I can detatch myself from the influences of society, not by seclusion and isolation, but rather by means of meditation and self-awareness.  I later discovered my "zen zone", which I will admit has been a blessing during this examination period.  I had thus found a means of coping with the har

Sgt. Juju - armed and ready to appeal!!!

Image ANCYL president Julius Malema. Photo: Chris Collingridge This makes for an interesting pondering of what the future of South African politics may play out. Should the appeal against the subsequently imposed suspension from the African National Congress on ANC Youth League President,   Julius Malema , or any further misjudged act of passion by him in the nearby foreseeable future result to his expulsion from the ANC, would he and his supporters  be in any form of political standing to break off from the party and succeed where COPE has undoubtedly failed? ANC Youth League president Julius Malema has been suspended for five years Pictures: ELIZABETH SEJAKE I wonder, should it come to that, would he be in good stead to becoming the country's next president - as I assume is any mainstream political figure's main game? I mean, this is where the question becomes one of whether the loyalty and su

Chapter 1 - 2: "Hi, I'm Handsome!", {Booze Crew}

Chapter 1: "Hi, I'm Handsome!" O-week, 2011. My first night here at Rhodes was quite very solitary.  There was a massive mare (Rhodent lingo for "party" - or anything and everything else, really) going on upstairs and I, still feeling quite alone in me room, not knowing anyone at all, retired early that night. The following day was a Sunday well spent bonding with my new housemates and learning the lyrics to a rather crude version of Bonnie Taylor's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" as well as some rather girly Spice-Girl song that went "If you wanna be my lover" or something of that nature.  We went out that night for the first time.  It was also the night I met my friends Devon (the martial-artist whom I still count as a friend, regardless of the many clashes which we have had throughout the course of the year), Aaron (the greatest gay guy you will ever encounter!  He is the one who told me Sisanda's real name after I had met her o


Around this time, last year, I had mad dreams in my head about the euthopia I was about to journey to ... and then I got to Rhodes University, and my life did a whole 180 degree turn more for the worse than for the better. I was never a heavy smoker, nor was I much of a drinker.  But that all changed when I got here.  I reached a point where I smoked the equivalent of two boxes of cigarettes a day and drank from the morning till the wee hours of the evening - when I would subsequently pass out.  The reason to this is simple:  my idealized euthopia, my land of redemption from an impeding lifetime of mediocrity had I stayed in Pretoria had turned into my own little hell. The only escape I saw possible lay at the bottom of a very deep mug of sherry, a bottom I only saw once my wallet had run as dry as the bottles that surrounded me.  With each drag of nicotine and tar I inhaled came a satisfactory release as I exhaled all my problems into the atmosphere.  I felt lonliness and pain of

Doing it like Amy? Yeah, I think it's time to call it quits . . .

Image "A pathologist told a coroner's court in north London that alcohol toxicity was the cause of the 27-year-old's death, with her blood-alcohol levels measured at more than five times the legal limit for driving." - CNN 08/11/2011 Why isn't this just interesting! . . . . . . . . . Ok, I'm lying.  It's not.  I was honestly never a fan, nor have I ever thought of her voice as particularly brilliant.  Amy Winehouse has always been just another famous person to me.  I'm sorry that she had to go out this way.  I may have never related to her through her music, but her tale is one which I am all to familiar with - though I, myself, have not yet succumbed to such a drastic extremity. Alcohol is no toy.  It's no joke getting ploughed every other night!  For one, there's the chunder-storm that e

The Bieber's seed - could it be???

Image Say what you will about pop-sensation, Justin Bieber, but he is officially NOT GAY, as has been suggested by many a hater over the past couple of years as he rose to the top.  Though this might not have been the very best of ways to go about proving his macho-ism, really! Honestly, a sex scandal trumps a baby scare in my opinion.  If it were to surface many years from now that Justin Bieber had participated in unprotected sexual intercourse in a bathroom stall with Ms Mariah Yeater, yeah, the media would have a huge field day with it - but at least there would not be a baby as evidence.  Now, however, there is one - quite possibly (for his sake I truly hope not!).  So now not only does he have the media to deal with, but when it pales through that Ms Yeater's baby really is his, then I would not be surp