I need a smoke

I am Lebsie, and this is my story.

I thought it would be a good idea to take Chinese as an arb for my first year in Rhodes University . . . Yeah, that was as brilliant an idea as taking English Literature was!

Excuse the sarcasm, but I really have had enough of all the bullshit I have had to lap up over the months.

I am a journalist.  NO, I do not get paid.  YES, that means that  I work for free.  NO, I am not insane!  YES, I have been chronically mentally destabilized by Grahamstown ...  I am a journalist.

I am an actor - and I will not be going through that yes/no tosh again because I rate It makes me sound a bit unhinged . . .  what I will say is that all this pales in light of insignificance that I am yet again broken, sober and in dire need of a smoke!

I am currently at the office, done with all my work and bored silly!  What do journalists do once their stories have been filed?  Well, i'm finding that out now!


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