
Showing posts from February, 2014


Philosophy and the pursuit of life's meaning are rather pointless endeavors. I thought life would be easier now that I've found myself. All those religious and spiritually conscious discussions about the true meaning of life, all those texts on self-awareness and 'enlightenment'; all that time spent exploring the many possibilities of life that awaited at the end of this journey, and yet all I have managed to do was come full circle. I now find myself at the very beginning of my new adventure, which I have now come to accept is in no way dissimilar to the end of my last one. I seem to have come full circle, in a sense. There seems to be no point of departure from what I was to who I now am. And then what? And then the sun sets, and the moon rises to her rightful place in the sky. The wind breezes by. The night is upon us, silent, but for the omnipresent cricket's call and the dark bird's macabre call of foreboding. A warning from mother nature, perhaps? A s


'Let there be Light', it was said; and beauty was born. Her Smile. A thin smile with compassion; warmth that Summer's Sun melts. Her Eyes. Crystal, eyes that pierced the soul. Her voice. A loving voice which eased fears deep within. A love that calmed inner tides. Once there was. And on the seventh day there was rest. Ashes to Ashes. As it is. As it was. It isn't. 'Goodbye' said she. As a sailor, she sailed to foreign lights where she wanders. She roams pastures greener, weaves a magical trail of silver and violet through meadows unknown and visages unseen. Perhaps she awaits me. Dust to Dust. As it isn't, Shall it Come to pass. 'Let it be'.