It was just as he had always imagined it would be. There were birds chirping and laughing children. Everyone knew him, and he knew them all. It was as if he were still alive. Nothing but the weather had changed. It was revoltingly hot there. This made very little sense. They were out in the park. It was a beautiful sunny day, and it was scorching hot! Yet there was no sun in the sky. This must be a dream, he thought to himself. Beverly traveled at a very slow pace down a long, spiraling pathway - greeting everyone he encountered along the way. After all, he knew them all. And it would have been rude not to; they were all staring at him. He didn't understand why they were staring. His was a face which they had seen enough of, he had been told. He remembered how hurt he had been when Dionne pulled him aside a couple of hours earlier to tell him what a revolting and pitiful creature he was. She was right. It bothered him that she had captured his essence in so few words. He won