woe is I - who shall me fix?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI-o25K6B-E&ob=av2n I wish I had lights to guide me home now more than ever - or someone, anyone, who cares enough to attempt to fix me. The beauty of being me is that I truly am a loser. But what sets me apart from the common bum on the street corner begging for loose change, biding his time until he can snatch a cellular phone from a little primary school girl - whom I maintain should not have one in the first place - stupid enough to walk around with it in hand, is that I cannot afford to fail THAT badly in my life. My epic quest, my great adventure depends on my clearing off from this dreadful, miserable hole of a town (Oh, I'm in Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. That's in South Africa, to those who are as geographically challenged as myself. And no, I don't have a pet lion - I'm not a fan [allusion to the crappest rugby team in South Africa]). All I need is a girlfriend, but it seems there aren't many g